Airedale Beekeepers Association
Welcome to ABKA

Christmas fair facepainting

Members of the Airedale Beekeepers Association have been looking after honeybees in the Aire Valley since 1908. Our Association runs up the Aire Valley from Bingley and Baildon to Skipton and Airedale. We maintain an Association apiary for demonstration and training purposes and also run the Observation Hive which is a very popular exhibit at Cliffe Castle Museum in Keighley.
Our aims are to promote the value of bees and other pollinators in the environment and to support people to take up beekeeping responsibly. We run a small but very thorough course for new beekeepers and we provide our members with support to become more proficient, by keeping up with the latest techniques. We encourage all our members to consider taking the BBKA’s Basic Assessment.
If you are interested in taking up this fascinating and worthwhile hobby, find out more about What's involved or contact us.
In the summer we are busy looking after our bees. During the winter, when the bees are tucked up in their hives, we organise socials, talks and training events.
We look forward to introducing you to the wonderful and absorbing world of the honey bee!